2005, the second year "Idol" was send in Sweden, Agnes Carlsson (at that time 17) went on an audition to meet the tuff jury. She sang "Varje gång jag ser dig" by Lisa Nilsson, and impressed the jury who sent her to the finalauditions. There she proved once again that she had something special and the jury sent her to the semifinals, where the viewers got to vote and decide. There it stoped for Agnes, but the jury wasn´t letting her go so easy.. When the 10 finalists where ready, the jury picked out a wildcard, and who else would that be but Agnes! And in the finalshows she got to prove to the viewers what a star she was, and week after week she was safe. In the big finale she got everyone to tears with her version of the winnersong "Right here right now" wich became her debutesingle when she won. The song became a huge hit and sold platinum in Sweden.
Just a couple of weeks after her victory the album "Agnes" was released, and went straight to #1 and has to date sold almost 100.000 copies, making it the most sold Idol-album in Sweden ever!
The second single from the album became "Stranded", it didn´t became a huge hit but it peaked at #27 in the Swedish hitlist. Tours and gigs all around Sweden followed.
Not even a year after the victory it was time for Agnes second album. The first single "Kick Back Relax" peaked at number #2 in Sweden, and the album, "Stronger" went up to number #1! The followup single "Champion" showed Agnes skills in writing, and became a radio and tv-hit.
2007 was a quiet year for Agnes, many people sad that it was over for her part, the "winner curse" had affected her to, but they didn´t know Agnes big plans..
Just in time for christmas it was announced that she and fellow idolcompetitor Måns Zelmerlöv, would do a commercial for MQ, in the romantic commercial they did a duet on "All i want for christmas is you" wich became so popular it was released as a single. It peaked at #3 in Swedish hitlist and sold gold.
The very romantic commersial for MQ.
In the beginning of 2008 Agnes was one of 7 competitors in "Körslaget" (Clash of the choirs) and led a Choir from her hometown, Vänersborg. After that it was pretty quite again and everyone was wondering what was going to happen with Agnes? In late summer it was out that Agnes had changed recordcompany from big Sony BMG to small Roxy Recordings. This mark showed later to be very clever. The new single "On And On" was released in august, and was nothing like what Agnes had done earlier, and everyone loved it! It was up-tempo, pop, dance, disco, Agnes 2008! With her third album she had work close with Anders Hansson, who has written every song on "Dance Love Pop". The album peaked at #5 in Sweden and it got, opposite from the earlier albums, good reviews from critics. Agnes was finally back, bigger and better than ever! The comeback was a sucess!
"On And On" was played everywhere and all the time, it got good chartplaces and sold gold. The second single from the album "Release Me", where everyones favourit, the critics loved it.
As the first single, "Release Me" also became a huge hit in Sweden and got lots of airplay.
While Agnes was appearing in radio, tv and newspapers, it where announced that she was competiting in Melodifestivalen 2009 with a song called "Love Love Love". Meanwhile it started to happen things outside Sweden, "Release Me" apperaed at the danisch hitlist, her videos on Youtube got more and more views and comments from all over the world. Later it was announced that Agnes and "Dance Love Pop" will be promoted in 13 countries and more across Europe, and outside...

Anders Hansson & Agnes
In Melodifestivalen Agnes went straight to the final from 1 out of 4 semifinals, with her "Love Love Love". In the final in March 2009 Agnes placed at number 8 out of 11 acts in the final, and 32 total, a very good result for Agnes. The song peaked at #4 in the Swedish hitlist and became a big radiohit. A couple of weeks after Melodifestivalen, Agnes released a new version of "Dance Love Pop", called "The Love Love Love Edition". This version included "Love Love Love", remixes and videos for the two earlier hits.
The gold catsuit she wore, is now legendary!
During this periode she also started her pr-tour outside Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and The Netherlands where the first countries to meet Agnes. In Sweden she started her club-tour which is going on right now, and she has also won the Swedish version of "Men Vs. Women" wich she stood against Ara Abrahamian. Now she is being a host at Swedish Mtv for a month and gigs are being booked for the whole summer. Meanwhile she is getting more and more famous across Europe, right now she has hits in Poland, Belgium, Denmark and The Netherlands. In the big UK it´s also happening alot for Agnes, this is probably the most exciting time for Agnes, and us fans.
Soon 4 years after Agnes victory she has done so much as an artist and she is evolving and getting better and better in every way, so Europe and all the world, hold on Agnes is on her way!
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