Top10 is looking quite impossible right now, maybe top20 also. The problem is that it hasn´t got the airplay it needs, because this is a grower and needs to be heard alot. The questions is now if radio & tv will continue playing it, or because of it´s lack of sales, become removed from the playlists totally? But if there´s life there´s hope! Even though Agnes just has come home from a week in the UK (on friday) she´s going there again! Tomorrow she´ll be performing at the Alan Titchmarch show on ITV, 3pm. Hopefully this will give the song an extra push, wich it seems to need. Please everyone who lives in the UK buy the song ASAP, and support TEAM AGNES!
Well, even if it isn´t moving up the charts at the rate we would have hoped, there is still a chance it will make a decent climb if we give it some time. Let´s just hope Radio 1 and other stations have a little patience ;)